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Web design examples


The images placed bellow are linked to the sites completely built by our web masters including graphic design, optimization and layout, navigation with an image rollover effect for each link, original animations, dynamic effect with fading images linked to corresponding pages, Netscape Navigator and Internet Explore browsers compatibility, comprehensive navigation with a text running effect for a link description when mouse is over.
     In the samples you can also find a user-friendly forms with a detail oriented form validation and immediate response after successful form submitting to the database, statistics and pages hit counting generated from dynamically linked database and graphically presented, password protected pages, contact forms, META tags analysis and implementation for more efficient submission to search engines, internal search and indexing.
     A few creative ideas have been incorporated into each site as well in order to attract more site visitors.


Technologies and software tools utilized:

Microsoft Visual Studio, C++, JavaScript, Active Server Pages, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, SQL, MS Access, Adobe photoshop, Macromedia DreamWeaver, GIFAnimation shop pro.and more

Web site design examples

Real Estate propertylong term analysis web site
Real Estate property long term investment analysis software
Insurance company web site
Insurances company services.
Under reconstruction
Guitar lessons web site
Selling Guitar lessons CD-ROM series, educational
Science fiction web site
Science fiction books and ebooks selling, education, fun

Banner design examples

Software design company banner
Science fiction banner
Guitar lessons banner
Guitar lessons logo