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Web design


IntegraWiz is now offering a complete web design with original animations, banners, logos, backgrounds, buttons and layouts designed to comply with the integrity of your site idea and optimized to achieve the shortest possible site downloading time.
     We can add user-friendly forms with detail oriented form validation, immediate response after form submission and graphically presented statistics on browsing history.
     We can also set up password protected pages to prevent unwanted access to your private information, analyze and implement META tags to assure the most efficient site submission to the search engines, integrate internal search and indexing for your site to help your visitors find the information in more efficient way. Click here for work samples.
     Our competitive freelancers are always offering creative ideas to attract more visitors to the client's site and provide the site visitors with a pleasant browsing experience.


Technologies and software tools utilized:

Microsoft Foundation Classes, Microsoft Visual Studio, C++, JavaScript, Active Server Pages, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, SQL, MS Access, Adobe photoshop, Macromedia DreamWeaver and more